Optimizing AWS EBS Volumes: Strategies for Modernizing Your Infrastructure
Discover the benefits of optimizing AWS EBS volumes with a deep dive into the different EBS volume types. Learn the strategies to modernize your AWS EBS storage.
By Rohit Verma
Avoiding Common Mistakes When Optimizing Non-Production Environments on AWS
Learn some common mistakes to avoid while optimizing non-production cloud environments for better AWS savings and enhanced performance.
By Saurav Thakur
How to Use KEDA to Scale Your Kubernetes Workloads ?
A brief explanation of the KEDA Architecture and a walkthrough of how to use the component to streamline the Kubernetes Workloads for Cloud Cost Optimization.
By Garvit Mishra
Using AWS CloudFormation StackSets for Cost-Effective Infrastructure Deployment
Understand the basics of AWS CloudFormation Stacksets and know how they streamline infrastructure deployment and cloud spend optimization.
By Arpit Shah
Right-Sizing Your AWS EC2 Instances: Strategies and Best Practices for Every DevOps Team
Right sizing strategies for AWS EC2 instances, to help DevOps professionals prevent cloud waste, reduce AWS costs and streamline their EC2 infrastructure.
By Ritika
How to Take Control of Your Cloud Costs Like an Expert? - Five Best Practices
In this era of multi-cloud and digital-first, cost optimization has become far more important. Here are some best practices to help reduce your cloud costs.
By Sakshi Srivastava
How to Optimize Your Cloud Spends with Little or No Efforts?
Cloud FinOps need not be too complex. Here are some of the easiest ways to optimize cloud spend that do not require any kind of development changes
By Sakshi Srivastava
7 Effective Ways to Reduce your AWS Cloud Spend
Learn some of the most effective ways to reduce your AWS cloud spends, making the most of every penny spent on your cloud infrastructure.
By Neeraj Gupta
Uncovering 5 Top-rated Business Benefits of DevOps
DevOps promotes a culture of collaboration breaking the traditional silos. Learn some of the most advanced business benefits that DevOps brings to the table.
By Poulomi Nag

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