Are you tired of traditional AWS Well-Architected Reviews (AWS WAR)?
Lengthy questionnaires, generic suggestions, and unclear action plans can leave you with even more questions than answers, at the cost of your time, money & resources. Traditional AWS WARs often rely on a generic approach, failing to consider your company’s specific objectives and maturity level.
CloudKeeper exclusively offers a smarter approach to AWS Well-Architected Reviews, that is tailored to the unique capabilities and maturity level of each organization. Here is why our AWS WAR stands out:
An in-depth & automated architectural 
Custom recommendations for your 
cloud environment
Structured roadmap with short, medium & long-term strategies
Our Proven Capabilities as an AWS WAR Partner 
An AWS Premier partner with 15+ years of cloud expertise, CloudKeeper stands out as one of the most experienced AWS WAR Partners.
  • Top 5

    Ranked among the
    AWS Well-Architected Partners

  • 500+

    AWS Well-Architected 
    Reviews completed

  • 100+

    Certified Solutions Architects &
    Cloud Experts

  • APN

    Awarded AWS Partner Network 
    Certification Distinction

See the Clear Advantage: CloudKeeper AWS WAR vs. Traditional AWS WAR
Audit Method
Action Plan
Traditional AWS WAR
Lengthy questionnaire-based 
Generic & standard for organizations of all sizes
Basic feedback
No support
Time-consuming and resource-intensive
CloudKeeper AWS WAR
Tailored to your organization's maturity and capabilities
Automated assessment
Customized based on your capabilities, challenges, and goals
Clear, prioritized action plans with short, medium, and 
long-term strategy
Proactive engagement until cloud efficiency is achieved
Streamlined and automated, saving you valuable time 
(and money)
Proven track record of significant savings & infrastructure 

How do we perform the AWS Well-Architected Reviews?

The AWS-Certified Experts from CloudKeeper perform a comprehensive review of your infrastructure using a structured approach.
  • Step 1
    Initial Assessment to Understand the Current State
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
    An In-depth & Automated Architectural Review
  • Step 4
    Identification of 
    Potential Risks & 
  • Step 5
    A Personalized 
    Roadmap for 
  • Step 6
Beyond Basic Assessment: A 90-Day Cloud Transformation Plan
Our deliverables go beyond basic assessment & recommendation. We become your partner in implementing actionable strategies that ensure optimization across all facets of your cloud infrastructure.
  • Identify critical issues & challenges
  • Tracking & remediation of top pain points
  • Adoption & integration of new AWS services  
  • Expert consulting for overall cloud optimization
  • Proactive outreach for cost optimization
  • Human-assisted cost anomaly detection 
  • Custom monthly cost analysis reports

No costs involved. 
Completely funded by CloudKeeper!

The AWS Well-Architected Reviews are entirely free. Why, you may ask?
AWS WAR helps showcase our capabilities and the guaranteed cloud savings we can deliver. And most organizations end up choosing us as their long-term cloud cost optimization partner. We would love to have you onboard as well!
AWS WAR Success Story
Prodigal reduces monthly AWS costs by 25%

Within a week of partnering with CloudKeeper, Prodigal reduced their monthly AWS bill by 25% and resolved many operational issues through AWS Well-Architected Review & Implementation.

An Overview of AWS Well-Architected Review (AWS WAR)
AWS Well-Architected Reviews benchmark your infrastructure against best practices and design principles, crafted by AWS experts. 
These reviews focus on the following pillars:
Operation Excellence
Defining operational standards 
, monitoring workloads, and enabling 
continuous improvement.
Protecting data, controlling access, 
and managing security events.
Addressing resource availability 
, disaster recovery, and managing 
service disruptions.
Performance Efficiency
Streamlining resource selection 
, rightsizing, and performance 
Cost Optimization
Tracking cloud costs, eliminating 
waste, and optimizing spend while 
the business scales. 
Designing the cloud architecture for 
environmentally conscious resource 
Why choose CloudKeeper as your Cloud Cost Optimization Partner?


Years of experience in cloud


Certified solutions architects & cloud experts


Global customers


Average savings on the entire cloud bill

What Our Clients Say
From DevOps engineers to CTOs, CFOs, and CEOs — CloudKeeper is loved by all!
  • Cost savings kicked in immediately and were reflected in the next month’s bill. A second set of savings came in the longer term is due to the team, process and the tools that highlighted the areas we might look in to save money.

    Steven Thurlow

 Backed by Industry Recognitions, Driven by Customer Experience 
finops foundation badge

Listed in 3 out of 5 segments in IDC Market 
Glance: FinOps Cloud Transparency, 2Q23

cloudkeeper isg provider lense mention

Recognized by ISG Research for its proven 
capabilities and scale in providing FinOps 
solutions across 14 categories

cloudkeeper g2 recognition

Leader in the G2 Grid for Cloud 
Cost Management

Related Resources
  • Understanding AWS Well-Architected Review: Your Ultimate Guide
    Learn in-depth about AWS Well-Architected Review(AWS WAR) with this definitive guide covering everything you need for comprehensive understanding & implementation.
  • Cloud infrastructure done right with the AWS Well-Architected Framework
    A walkthrough of the six pillars of AWS Well Architected Framework, the design principles of the pillars and the best practices for benchmarking against them.
  • Unlocking Cost benefits in the AWS ecosystem
    Shifting to AWS cloud allows businesses to scale, while reducing their overall costs. Learn how to unlock the true cost benefits for your AWS infrastructure.

Speak with our advisors to learn how you can take control of your Cloud Cost