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AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a well-known player in the current cloud computing market, providing a wide range of services to meet various organizational needs. It continues to lead the way in the cloud infrastructure business, having emerged as an early pioneer. According to the Synergy Research Group in the fourth quarter of 2023, Amazon's market share in the global market for cloud infrastructure was 31%, the highest among its competitors. Although using AWS can significantly enhance performance, scalability, and flexibility, cost optimization is an area that must be closely monitored. Effective cost control optimizes the return on investment from your AWS while also ensuring financial sustainability.

There are numerous actions you can do to optimize the infrastructure hosting your apps to be as economical as possible, regardless of whether you are already on the cloud or you moved to AWS only recently. Are you, for instance, using the appropriate instances for the workload of your application? Suppose you have several instances constantly running with 10% CPU utilization. Would it be possible to employ smaller instances or push more work onto those instances?

We'll dive into the nuances of AWS cost optimization in this in-depth guide, covering tactics, best practices, and crucial resources to assist you in successfully navigating the cloud cost optimization landscape.

Understanding AWS cost optimization

To navigate AWS cost optimization, a careful understanding of pricing models and strategies that are suited to your workloads are required. This section examines a number of factors to deep dive into your AWS costs effectively, from flexible pricing on demand to strategic commitments with Reserved Instances and Saving Plans.

AWS Billing Fundamentals 

Understanding AWS billing is essential for effective cloud cost management. AWS charges are influenced by various factors, including service usage, data transfer, and pricing plans.

Pricing Models

Five pricing tiers are offered by AWS, which can assist you in budgeting and cost optimization for various use cases. When organizing your AWS project, you can make use of one or more of these models.


Paying by the hour or the second, AWS offers on-demand pricing for EC2 compute instances. You can spin up instances using this pricing model without having to pay for anything upfront. When necessary, you can swiftly end these instances and get reimbursed for the resources you utilize. This option offers a high degree of scalability and flexibility, making it perfect for erratic workloads or for new AWS users evaluating the environment. On-demand instances, however, come at a higher cost and can add up quickly.

Spot Instances

Because AWS Spot Instances are available at up to 90% less than the on-demand price, they can help you drastically cut your spending on computing resources. The biggest possible AWS cost savings are available with this arrangement, particularly if you need to scale quickly. Spot instances can be difficult to use, nevertheless, for workloads that are fault-sensitive. AWS reserves the right to terminate a spot instance whenever it is not using the compute capacity. Before your instance is terminated, you are given a two-minute warning.  

Reserved Instances

Reserved Instances (RIs) provide substantial AWS cost savings in exchange for a one- or three-year commitment to use AWS. AWS provides three different payment options for RIs: all ahead, partly upfront, and no upfront. Compared to spot instances, RI setup and maintenance are comparatively simpler. Nonetheless, even if you do not utilize the entire capacity, you are charged for all reserved occurrences.

Savings Plan

Similar to RIs, AWS Savings Plans provide a substantial reduction in exchange for a longer commitment to use AWS services. Savings Plans, on the other hand, allow you to commit to spending on an hourly basis. A discount rate is then applied and deducted from your on-demand usage. Savings Plans, in contrast to RIs, are aggregated across resources, allowing you to take advantage of several AWS cost savings throughout your AWS account.

Dedicated Hosts

Dedicated Hosts are real servers that you can rent through AWS. With the entire server to yourself, this solution is regarded as extremely dependable and safe. Administrative work is eliminated when you rent a dedicated host. The hardware is maintained and cleaned by AWS. Dedicated hosts are costly and mostly fall within the budget of businesses.

5 AWS Design Principles

1. Measure overall efficiency: Assess overall effectiveness by taking a look at the workload's business output and the delivery expenses. Make use of this data to comprehend the benefits that come from raising production, enhancing functionality, and cutting costs.

2. Stop spending money on undifferentiated heavy lifting: AWS handles the hard lifting of data center operations, such as racking, stacking, and powering servers, so stop wasting money on indifferent heavy lifting. Additionally, by using managed services, it eliminates the operational load of maintaining operating systems and applications. This frees you up to concentrate on business initiatives and customers rather than IT infrastructure.

3. Adopt cloud financial management: You must make an investment in cloud financial management if you want to succeed financially and realize business value more quickly in the cloud. It is imperative that your firm invest the time and resources required to develop proficiency in this emerging field of technology and usage management. To help you become a cost-effective business, you must develop competence through programs, resources, procedures, and knowledge development, much as you would with security or operations.

4. Take up a model of consumption: You just pay for the computer resources you use, and you may adjust how much you use based on your company's needs. For instance, throughout the workweek, development and test environments are usually only utilized for eight hours per day. When not in use, you can discontinue these resources to potentially save 75% on costs (40 hours against 168 hours).

5. Analyze and attribute spending: The cloud facilitates transparent attribution of IT expenditures to revenue streams and specific workload owners by making it simpler to precisely identify the cost and utilization of workloads. This offers workload owners the chance to maximize their resources and cut expenses while also assisting in the measurement of return on investment (ROI).

5 Major Cost Drivers in AWS- What Makes it so Expensive?

The cloud on AWS offers more than 200 services. Because cloud resources are dynamic, managing their costs can be challenging and unpredictable.

These are the primary reasons behind AWS waste and excessive costs:

1. Underutilization of resources: Underutilization of compute instances on services such as Amazon EC2 means that you are paying for instances that you do not really need. Even if they are not being used, unused load balancers, EBS volumes, snapshots, and other resources are still costing money.

2. Inefficient pricing model: Spot instances and reserved instances, which can offer AWS cost optimization of 50–90%, are not utilized when they are appropriate. Savings Plans, which might reduce computing costs by agreeing to a minimum total expenditure on AWS, are not used. For example, you scale up too much (adding duplicate resources) as demand increases when auto-scaling is not done or is not appropriate.

3. Not optimizing EC2: For many businesses, EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances account for a sizable amount of their AWS expenses. Choosing the right instance types, utilizing reserved instances for predictable workloads, adopting auto-scaling, and leveraging spot instances for non-critical tasks are some strategies for optimizing EC2 expenses.

4. Storage expenses: Storage expenses cover a range of AWS services, including Glacier, EBS (Elastic Block Store), and Amazon S3. Storage costs can be considerably decreased by putting data lifecycle policies into place, optimizing storage classes based on access frequency, and taking advantage of object storage efficiency.

5. Data Transfer costs: Costs associated with data transfer can mount up quickly, especially for applications that see a lot of inbound or outward traffic. Reducing pointless data transmission, making use of content delivery networks (CDNs), and streamlining data transfer routes using AWS Direct Connect or AWS Global Accelerator are all part of AWS cost optimization.

With several cost drivers in the AWS ecosystem, it becomes easier to leverage tools that can help you keep a lot of these costs in check and prompt for timely action. Let’s take a look at these below-

AWS Cost Management Tools

AWS provides a range of cost management tools to assist customers in properly tracking, evaluating, and optimizing their cloud expenditures. AWS Budgets, AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Trusted Advisor, and AWS Cost Anomaly Detection are important tools that have different functions, such as cloud cost forecasting, anomaly detection, and cost visualization. Let’s take a look at them in detail-

AWS Cost Explorer

You may monitor AWS service costs, consumption, and return on investment (ROI) using the Cost Explorer interface. The interface can assist you in projecting your future expenses by displaying statistics for the previous 13 months. You may further evaluate your AWS expenditures and pinpoint specific areas for improvement by using the UI to generate customized views. You may also get data using your current analytics tools thanks to the API that the AWS Cost Explorer offers.

AWS Budgets

You may create and enforce budgets for every AWS service with the aid of AWS Budgets. The Simple Notification Service (SNS) may send you emails or messages when budgets are met or exceeded. A budget might be linked to specific data points, such as data usage or the quantity of occurrences, or it can be defined as an overall cost budget. The tool offers dashboard views that show how each service is used in relation to its budget, akin to those produced by the Cost Explorer.

AWS Trusted Advisor

It is an automated tool that offers advice on best practices for using Amazon services. Cost optimization is one of the five topics that Trusted Advisor looks into. The tool provides automatic optimization recommendations, such as managing lease expiration and optimizing reserved instances; finding underutilized EC2 instances and EBS volumes; identifying load balancers that are idle at the moment, unused elastic IPs, unused Amazon RDS databases, and any other resource that is underutilized and may be terminated to reduce costs.

AWS Pricing Calculator

You may calculate the cost of use cases on AWS with the help of the AWS Pricing Calculator. It enables you to create monthly cost projections for every region that a given service supports. Prior to developing a solution, you can model it, examine the cost points and estimate computations, and identify instance types and contract terms that satisfy your needs. This can assist you in planning your AWS expenses and consumption, making well-informed decisions, and estimating the costs associated with launching a new collection of instances and services.

Amazon CloudWatch

You can create alarms using Amazon CloudWatch based on metrics that are recorded for Amazon services. For cost reductions and optimization, CloudWatch is used by many enterprises. For instance, you can configure an alarm to sound when the usage of an EC2 instance falls below a predetermined threshold. You can then look into this alarm, adjust the instance's size, or shift workloads to another instance.

9 Best Practices for AWS Cost Optimization 

Here are a few crucial best practices that will help you reduce your AWS costs. Learn how to manage the complexity of cloud expenditures and get more out of your AWS investments by exploring areas like resource allocation and end-to-end cost optimization solutions like CloudKeeper.

1. Right Size Resources: By matching instance sizes and kinds to workload requirements, you can ensure optimal resource allocation, avoid under- or over-provisioning, and maximize both performance and cost efficiency.

2. Utilize Auto-Scaling: Scale AWS resources automatically in response to demand patterns, dynamically varying capacity to ensure peak performance at the lowest possible cost and guaranteeing that resources are only allocated when required.

3. Leverage Spot Instances: Benefit from AWS Spot Instances, which provide extra capacity at a fraction of the cost of on-demand instances. These instances are perfect for applications with flexible deadlines and non-critical requirements, allowing you to cut expenses without sacrificing performance.

4. Embrace Serverless Architectures: Use serverless computing services to abstract infrastructure management. By enabling pay-per-use pricing, automatic scaling, and less operational overhead, you can optimize costs for event-driven and microservices-based applications. Examples of these services are AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.

5. Utilize Reserved Instances: Commit to reserve capacity for predictable workload, benefiting from discounted prices compared to on-demand instances over a one or three-year period. This will also provide cost stability and savings for long-term commitments.

6. Tag your Resources: By adding cost allocation tags to AWS resources, you may organize expenditures by environment, department, or project. This allows for more precise cost tracking, analysis, and optimization, which improves accountability and visibility throughout the company.

7. Continuously Monitor and Analyze Costs: Utilize cost management tools such as CloudKeeper Lens, AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Trusted Advisor to regularly analyze AWS expenditure and usage patterns. By evaluating trends, spotting cost anomalies, and optimizing resource utilization, you can reduce waste and overspending.

8. Utilize Managed Services: Utilize AWS managed services to cut total cost of ownership (TCO), offload administrative work, and simplify operations. These services include Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, and Amazon DynamoDB. This will free up organizational resources to concentrate on essential business goals.

9. Optimize with CloudKeeper: Enhance cost optimization efforts with CloudKeeper, a comprehensive cost optimization solution offering instant & guaranteed cloud savings on cloud.

Optimize your Cloud Costs Effortlessly with CloudKeeper

In conclusion, effective AWS cost optimization hinges on strategic resource management and leveraging the AWS cost optimization best practices. By adopting strategies and partnering with a specialist in this area, businesses can enhance efficiency, maximize ROI, and ensure sustainable cloud operations.

CloudKeeper is an expert, offering comprehensive cloud cost optimization solutions & services. Get unlimited cloud support, savings, and cost visibility for your cloud without requiring any additional cost or commitment. As your partner for end-to-end cloud cost optimization, CloudKeeper specializes in rate, usage, and process optimization. We are also recognized by the ISG and Everest Group.

With CloudKeeper, you can effortlessly optimize your cloud costs and maximize ROI. Our 100+ certified experts ensure that your cloud remains optimized and future-proof. Focus on growing your business while we handle your cloud's holistic optimization needs.

Let's discuss your cloud challenges and see how CloudKeeper can solve them all!
Meet the Author
  • Aman Aggarwal
    Head of Business

    Aman Aggarwal is a distinguished industry expert with over 15 years of extensive experience in the Cloud and FinOps domain.

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